my winter break has consisted of:
-being woken up by my mother screaming at my father/cable company/internet provider/her mother for something they "spitefully" did to her.
-laying in my bed.
-complaining about my elbow.
-getting out of obligations by saying i'm too fucked up off my pain medication to leave my bed.
-getting a hair cut the first week of break and complaining about it the rest of break.
-not showering regularly.
-being really proud of myself and expecting praise from everyone i know after i shower.
-waking up at 5am every other day and having a panic attack about how i need to update my resume.
-not updating my resume.
-watching the first six seasons of the west wing for the 2749347th time.
-going gluten free.
-telling anyone with ears about how hard it is to go gluten free.
-eating gluten and groaning in my bed for two hours.
-being social once a week and regretting it for the next five days.
-realizing i might just be too awkward to ever return to nyc ever again.
i need to go back to school.